April 17th As we approached the Charles Bridge, a costumed man came along with a "whip" of palm fronds in hand. This was some sort of tradition to do with the holiday. Ladies could expect to get a touch of the whip and a couple in our group did.The Charles Bridge is lined on both sides with elaborate statues. Many have highlights of gold leaf to enhance them. The view from the bridge to the surrounding areas was lovely. The Petřín Lookout Tower was inspired by the Eiffel Tower. I really liked the area by the canal under the first part of the bridge. The view towards the Legif Bridge which touched down on an island in the middle of the river was really nice. Walking forward, the view towards Muzeum Bedřicha Smetany on the south side of the bridge and the Charles Bridge Museum to the north was very inviting. Now across the river, I admired the statue of (Good) King Wenceslas in front of St Francis of Assissi Church. The lookout to the left of the church and the Charles Bridge Museum had a wonderful view of the bridge and of the opposite shoreline. On the railing were many "Lovelocks". |