In the fall...
In the winter...
"The present Daniel McIntyre Collegiate, with its many interests and activities, was not always such a large and flourishing High School. In the year 1882, when the pioneers of today were yesterday's children, the Winnipeg Collegiate Institute had its tiny but significant beginning. In the upper part of a dignified Louise Street dwelling-house, seven pupils met with their principal, Mr. J. B. Fawcett, M.A., and there began the Winnipeg Collegiate Institute, which has, after many years of wandering, grown into the Daniel McIntyre Collegiate.
However, the cold which these students endured during that first winter was so extreme that at the end of the term the whole Collegiate removed to the Central School on Bannatyne Avenue, where it remained until 1892. In these new quarters a notable event took place when Miss Nellie Brown entered as a Matriculation student, she being the first young woman even to dare to think of attending the Collegiate.
The year 1892 was exceptionally important to Collegiate students, for on the twelfth day of February, the Winnipeg Central Collegiate on Kate Street was formally opened. The new building was well equipped in both gymnasium and laboratory, while gradually the halls and the rooms were decorated with pictures and statuary.
This general improvement continued until these quarters were also outgrown, and in 1917 the High School was again transferred, this time to the Isaac Brock School. For a few years the home of the Collegiate remained there, but once more it was necessary to make a move. In 1922 The Daniel McIntyre became the permanent home, we hope, of the Collegiate which has so long been a High School, true to its traditions, yet ever ready to advance."
Margaret Davies won a scholarship after writing her final examinations. In 1927, she went on to win an Isbister scholarship worth $75 at the University of Manitoba. Margaret was a popular member of Room 56 during the 1925-1926 school year. | Donald Moran also won a scholarship in June of 1926. In 1927, Donald went on to pursue a course in accountancy. He was a member of Room 51 during the 1925-1926 school year. | Anne Nemenoff was librarian of Room 56 for the 1925-1926 school year. She also won a scholarship in this, her graduating year at Daniel McIntyre. In 1927 she was within four-fifths of a point of winning an Isbister Scholarship at the University of Manitoba. |
More about 1926... |
1923 |
1924 |
1925 |
1927 |
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